MCQ  on  Maintenance and repair of Structures

1) The maintenance which is expected to be attended regularly for maintaining of structure at regular interval is called as

1) Routine maintenance

2) Preventive maintenance

3) Remedial maintenance

4) Repair and maintenance

Ans: 1) Routine maintenance

2) The various classification of Maintenance are

1) Routine maintenance

2)  Preventive maintenance

3) Remedial maintenance

4) All of the above.

Ans: 4) all of the above.

3) -----------is the process of Restoring or retaining a structure to its original state to perform its function.

1) Maintenance

2) Repair

 3) Planning

4) Commissioning

 Ans 1) Maintenance

 4) ---------percentage of cost of construction should be spent on maintenance per year?

1) 1%

2) 0.5%

 3) 0.75%

4) 1.5%

Ans 2) 0.5%

5) As per bye-laws, the assessment of existing structure becomes mandatory to all buildings order older than ------- years.

1) 15

2) 20

 3) 25

4) 10

Ans 1) 15

6) Which of the following is the post construction activity?

1) Planning

2) Maintenance and repair

 3) Designing

4) Permission from appropriate Authority

Ans:- 2) Maintenance and repair

 7) The following statement is right or wrong.

Preventive maintenance is also called as time-based maintenance or cyclic maintenance. Answer is true or false.

1) Right

2) Wrong

Ans: 1) Right

8) ------- is the process of removing decayed or damaged part of the structure which would require making something better than earlier.

1) Routine maintenance

2) Preventive maintenance

3) Remedial maintenance

4) Cyclic maintenance.

Ans is 3) Remedial maintenance

9) -------- is the process of reconstructing or removing any damaged part of structure. So that structure performs its function before it was.

1) Maintenance

2) Repair

3) Strengthening

4) Rehabilitation

Ans is 2) Repair

 10) ---------- is a process of enhancing the resistance of damaged or weak structure by appropriate technique of Maintenance and Repair.

1) Repair

2) Retrofitting

3) Restrengthening

4) Restoration.

Answer is 2) Retrofitting

11) -------- is the process of adding strength to any part of an existing building to provide higher strength than its original.

1) Restrengthening

2) Repair

3) Retrofitting

4) Rehabilitation

Answer is 1) Restrengthening

12) -------is the process of returning a structure to its earlier condition or prior to damage.

1) Restrengthening

2) Rehabilitation

3) Restoration

4) Retrofitting.

Ans is 2) Rehabilitation

13) The maintenance manual Provides

1) Accurate details of alterations

2) Construction process

3) Operation of completed structure

4) All of the above.

Ans is 4) all of the above.

 14) The maintenance which is carried out after the monsoon period Has been completed is called as

1) Pre-monsoon maintenance

2) Post-monsoon maintenance

3) Monsoon maintenance

4) None of the above.

Answer is 2) Post-monsoon maintenance

15) An earthquake resistant construction should have following properties

1) Good structural configuration

2) Enough lateral strength

3)  More ductility.

4) All of the above.

Ans is 4) all of the above.


16) The various causes of Damages in this structure are

1) Distress in structure

2) Earthquake

3) Wind

4)  All of the above.

Ans is 4) all of the above.

17) ------------- is the term used to denote the Decay and damage of a structure due to continuous neglect in maintenance and repairs willingly.

1) Termite

2) Fire

3) Dilapidation

4) Corrosion

Ans is 3) Dilapidation



18) Which one of the following is not a non-destructive testing method

1) Rebound concrete hammer test

2) Rebar locator test

3) Chloride test

4) Slump cone test.

Ans is 4) Slump cone test.



19) The average rebound number after test is 35 then the overall quality of concrete is

1) Very good

2) Good

3) Fair

4) Poor.

Ans is 2) good

20) The average rebound number of The test is 12 the overall quality of concrete is

1) Very good

2) Good

3) Fair

4) Poor.

Ans is 4) poor.


21) The following statement is right or wrong

 The rebound concrete hammer test can be conducted horizontally vertically upward or downward at any intermediate location.

1) Right

2) Wrong

Ans: 1) Right



22) Which of the following test would you perform to check the in-situ strength of the concrete?

1) Slump cone test

2) Rebound concrete hammer test

3) Rebar locator test.

4) None of the above.

Ans is 2) Rebound concrete hammer test

23) The main cause of dampness in the structure is due to

1) Exposure to chloride

2) Termites

3) Capillary penetration of water from the ground.

4)  Dilapidation

Answer is 3) capillary penetration of water from the ground.

For detailed explanation of above question in simple Hindi Language, Pls watch the following video.

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