Field book in surveying |Rules of writing field book| single line and double line Field Book

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The notebook in which field measurements are noted is known as the 'Field book'. The size of the field book is 20 cm x 12 cm and it opens length-wise. Single line Field Book: In this type of field book a single line is drawn through the middle of each page. This line represents the chain line; and chainages are written on it. The offsets are recorded with sketches to left or right of the chain line. The recording of the field book is started from bottom and continued towards upwards. The main stations are marked by ∆ and tie stations are by Double line Field Book: In this type of field book two lines 1.5 cm apart are drawn through the middle of each page. This column represents the chain line; and the chainages are written on it. The offsets are recorded with sketches to the left or right of the column. The main stations are marked by ∆ and tie stations are by Precautions (Rules) to be Taken While Entering the data in Field Book : 1.All measurements should be noted as soon as they are taken. 2.Every chain line should be recorded on a separate page. Normally it should start from the bottom and end on the top. 3. Over - Writing should be avoided. 4. Figure and hand - Writing should be neat and clean. 5. Index sketch; object sketch and notes should be clear. 6. Reference sketches should be given in the field book so that the station can be located when required. 7. The field measurements should be entered in pencil and note in ink. 8. If any entry is incorrect or a page damaged cancel the page and start the entry from a new page. 9. The surveyor should face the direction of chaining so that the left hand and right hand objects can be recorded without any confusion. 10. The field book should be kept neat and clean. 11. The field book include : i) Title of survey ii) General sketch of area to be surveyed iii) Location sketch iv) Record of chain line v) Date of survey vi) Name of the party etc.

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